Holding ourselves accountable to the highest ethical standards

Leading with integrity

At Elme, we hold ourselves, our suppliers, and Board of Trustees to the highest ethical standards to increase shareholder value and foster a collaborative, innovative corporate culture. Our team is required to read and certify their knowledge on our Code of Ethics, in addition to receiving ethics training throughout the year. Our Board of Trustees oversees all ESG initiatives, believing that environmental and social matters—paired with strong corporate governance—can bring lasting change to our communities.

Our corporate policies

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

Elme expects all Trustees, officers, and employees to follow the highest ethical standards and transact business in compliance with laws and regulations, as outlined in our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

Human Rights Statement

Aligned with the U.N. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, our Human Rights Statement promotes the safety, health, and wellbeing of our employees, forbidding discrimination, harassment, and forced labor.

Corporate Governance Policies

Elme maintains an eight-member Board, where all but one Trustee is independent. The Board maintains three standing committees, each governed by a written charter. Our governance documents guide our board, committee, and company.

Environmental Policy

Elme commits to the sustainable operation of our communities, establishing targets to reduce waste, water usage, and energy usage each year as outlined in our Environmental Policy.

Vendor Code of Conduct

We maintain high ethical standards throughout the supply chain. All suppliers and subcontractors are required to conduct their business in line with our Code of Ethics, as described in our Vendor Code of Conduct

Political Contributions

Elme encourages our team members to participate in our democracy, while abiding by this Political Contributions Policy and ensuring ethical behavior of both team members and the company as a whole.

Learn more about our Board of Trustees and corporate governance

To learn more about our corporate governance and compliance hotline, Board committees, Board of Trustees, officers, and other governance documents, please view our investors page.